The Title I program is a grant distributed to schools with high percentages of students in poverty to help ensure all students meet state academic standards
Warrenton Grade School is designated a Schoolwide Title I School. This means that federal Title I funds are used to improve instructional programs for all students.
Title I includes the following components:
- Providing rigorous, effective instruction in all content by highly qualified teachers and staff;
- Offering high-quality, ongoing professional learning opportunities for staff;
- Creating strategies to increase parental involvement as well as including parent feedback and input into all policies and improvement plans;
- Implementing district systems to ensure that students who experience difficulty attaining proficiency receive effective, timely, additional assistance; and
- Ensuring that plans are reviewed on an ongoing basis and revised when necessary.
Family Rights Under Title IA
- Right to request teacher qualifications
- Request opportunities to meet with staff for parent involvement
- Participate in decisions affecting your child
- Review the school’s Title I program and make suggestions
- Participate in school activities
For additional information, contact Tom Rogozinski, Superintendent at [email protected]